Tuesday, September 2, 2008

..........30 April 2008

Mummy had an eventful pregnancy.. morning sickness in the 1st trimester..holiday in Hong Kong (actually Daddy on work trip).. blah blah blah

Finally the day came for me to meet them for the first time..

29 April 2008
Daddy and Mummy reached Thomson Medical Centre at 2330 Hrs.. Did the check in and was given a yucky ward on the 4th floor... Mummy found blood in the toilet and Daddy found ants in the closet..

Mummy was served a light breakfast in the morning. She was wheeled into the labour ward at abt 1000 hrs. The nurses cleared her bowels and Dr Sim came to break her water bag. She was given a drip to induce contractions. Mummy's initial plan was to do a natural delivery with no epidural.

Somehow the contractions were so painful that she gave in to epidural at 1430 Hrs. At 1830 hrs, she was sufficiently dilated. So she started pushing. She pushed with all her might but somehow she could not get the gist of pushing out a baby.She pushed till her face was red and her body sweaty. At that time she actually contemplated a c-sect,, But having gone through so much she persisted..

Dr Sim came in and warned Mummy that if I was not out even with the help of forceps, she would have to cut Mummy.

That freaked her out so much that she gave the 3 hardest,wildest pushes of her life..

At last I was out ...

My weight 3.730 Kg
My length 50cm
My head circumference 33cm

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